Here at White Oak Dental in Calgary, Alberta, Dr. Menon and her team of dental professionals offer early orthodontics treatment for children. By treating your child’s problems early, you save money and may prevent the need for more extensive future treatment. Dr. Menon can get your child’s smile off to a healthy start by treating your child early! Parents want the best for their children; straight teeth, properly sized jaws, straight profiles and beautiful smiles.
75% of 12-year-olds need orthodontic treatment, yet 90% of a child’s face has already developed by that age! Here at White Oak Dental, Dr. Menon guides your child’s facial development early as up to 80% of your child’s treatment can be corrected before the adult teeth are present!
Many children who need orthodontic treatment due to a bad bite have underdeveloped lower jaws. Dr. Menon can improve your child’s profile and correct the bite problem within a fairly short period of time.
Why is early orthodontics treatment so important?
Dr. Menon can help correct and can often prevent: Bite problems, underdeveloped jaws, narrow arches, crowded teeth, deep overbites, jaw joint problems, airway problems and thumb-sucking habits.